The Nikon TW2 is often quoted as the world’s first point and shoot with zoom functionality, but is it any...
Joined9th October 2019
A political researcher, for all my sins. I'm interested in the ways in which communication platforms have changed the way we conduct politics: How social media has changed Citizen-MP communication; everyday political talk; and the use of social media by state institutions. If you want to know more, check out the About page on my website.
This is a opinion piece about how internet culture and society interacts. It questions who we, as a society, looks...
What better way to celebrate the NHS hitting the big seven-zero than with a relevant hashtag #NHS70 and a bit...
It’s a reasonably well-known ‘secret’ that Ph.D students rate their university experience poorly. Part of this are complaints regarding the...
Twitter has announced that it is banning paid-for political adverts, just as the UK enters a general election, saying that...
People are easily confused, and here I speak as one who has spent centuries in courtrooms. Apparently, they say, a...
Prelude In 2002-2004, I was your typical Mosher teenager. Black oversized jeans, chains, Sum 41, and black everything else. My...
Ever since it was built, temperature control has been a contentious issue in both Houses of Parliament, but who ultimately controls the heater settings?
I love the Palace of Westminster. It’s truly one of them buildings I think everyone in the country should visit...